How can I learn at home more efficiently and build a good structure? How do I find a good balance between working and free time? The online workshops the Psychosocial Counselling and Social Counselling Service are offering address these topics.
Do you find it hard to integrate university tasks into your everyday life and have a balanced start to the day?
Not only our private lifes are effected by the Corona crisis, it also brings many changes to everyday life at university. Online classes, closed libraries and changes in examination times and protocol require a high level of adaptability from students.
Since June 2020, an online workshop series has been running to help students cope well with the new university routine. The development of an individual routines can provide orientation and strengthens the motivation to complete upcoming tasks at home. Our Psychosocial Counselling and Social Counselling will provide hands-on advice and support in various online workshops to establish such routine and strengthen the feeling of security and inner peace. Among other things, participants learn techniques to help them build a structure for themselves and work more efficiently.
Especially for student parents, further challenges arise, as study-related tasks are now carried out online and thus shifted to home. For this reason, there will be a separate workshop on studying at home with children.