Support for Refugees

The Studentenwerk Leipzig offers various counselling services and information events for refugees who are interested in studying or who are studying. We also provide interesting information on the following pages.

Finding Universities and Degree Programmes

The city of Leipzig is home of a number of universities. Taking the universities in Halle and Merseburg in the immediate vicinity into account as well, there is an extensive and extremely diverse range of courses on offer. This section lists universities and higher education institutions that are potential candidates for study in Leipzig or the surrounding area. The links will take you to their respective list of study programmes. We recommend you to check back for updates regularly, as new information may be added.

Preparing your Studies

Planning your studies can be very complex. Especially when studying in another country, and if you are not yet familiar with its regulations, you may be facing some challenges. But don’t be discouraged. There are numerous points of contact and offers that can help you to ensure that nothing stands in the way of your studies. This section lists some of the central institutions that you can contact if you are interested in studying at a university in Leipzig and the surrounding area, including Halle and Merseburg. It is worth checking back regularly, because new information may be added.

Financing your Studies

Planning how to finance your studies is an important part of study preparation. But how much money will you have to pay and what kind of support can you get? Especially when studying in another country, and if you are not yet familiar with its regulations, you may be facing some challenges. But don’t be discouraged. There are numerous points of contact and offers that can help you to ensure that nothing stands in the way of your studies from a financial point of view. This section lists the central institutions you can contact if you need help or information on financing your studies in and around Leipzig. We recommend you to check back for updates regularly, as new information may be added.


You have fulfilled all the requirements and are ready to start studying. But how does studying work and what offers can help to make studying easier? We recommend you to check back for updates regularly, as new information may be added.


Getting in touch with new people is an essential part of studying. In this section you will find information on different offers that can help you to get to know local students and exchange ideas and experiences, even in times of the corona pandemic. We recommend you to check back for updates regularly, as new information may be added.

  • Studentenwerk Leipzig
    • Tutors of the Studentenwerkes Leipzig
    • Infor events for students at all universities in Leipzig taking place regularly
      The Studentenwerk Leipzig regularly organises information meetings and various events to make it easier for students to get in touch with each other. 
    • Round Table for International Students: this regular round table is open to students from all Leipzig universities who feel they belong to the group of international students. This format is intended to be used to get in touch with each other, to exchange ideas and to inform each other. The contents of the meetings can be adapted by the participants according to their needs
  • Leipzig University of Applied Sciences (HTWK Leipzig)
    • HTWK international
      • Our (virtual) meeting for all our international students
      • Our monthly meeting “HTWK International” takes place in the Mensa Academica where we provide you with free coffee, tea and cake.
    • We can discuss the following topics, depending on what you are in the mood for:
      • How were your first weeks at HTWK?
      • Do you need methods to study at home more effectively? Are you managing your time well?
      • Do you have any questions about leisure time activities in Leipzig?
      • Do you want to meet new people, maybe also from other faculties?
      • Meetings always take place on the third Wednesday of the month, 2.00 p.m. to 4.00 p.m.
    •  Mentoring programme for international students
      As a first-year student at the HTWK Leipzig, you probably have many questions about the university and the organisation of your studies. The mentoring programme will support you in these matters. The programme is aimed at foreign students who are new at the HTWK Leipzig. It makes it easier for them to start their studies, supports their integration into the student community and helps them overcome cultural challenges. HTWK students (mentors) from higher semesters accompany foreign students (mentees) in their first year of study as they arrive at HTWK Leipzig and organise their studies.
    • Your advantages at a glance:
      •     First contacts at the HTWK Leipzig
      •     Student contact person even before the start of studies
      •     Support in organizing your studies
      •     Language support
    •  Newsletter for international students
      Once a month we publish a newsletter with important information about studying, looking for jobs and hints about interesting upcoming events. If you would like to receive the newsletter, please send an e-mail with the subject “Abo Newsletter”
    • Girls’ Club
      The Girls’ Club is a Womens networking space. Monthly women’s meeting in a relaxed atmosphere to talk about topics that are of interest to you.  Everyone is welcome: HTWK students, but also female graduates. At the moment the meetings are taking place online: , meetings on the first Friday of the month, 6.00 p.m. to 8.00 p.m.
    • University sports
      The various sports courses are a great place to get to know other students at the HTWK and find a physical balance to your everyday study routine with lectures, seminars etc.
  • Leipzig University
    • Facebook group for international first-year students
      • For the first virtual contacts, there is the UL Facebook group for “International first-year students”.
    • Buddy Programme
      • The BeBuddy! programme offers students the opportunity to get to know each other and to explore the city together before and during their studies.
    • Free-time activities at the University of Leipzig
      • Singing together, making music, learning new languages, producing a radio report or writing a newspaper article, doing sports… An overview of leisure time activities at the University of Leipzig, as well as a list of initiatives for networking.
    • Finding a tandem partner at the Sprachenzentrum Leipzig   
      • Learning languages connects. The Sprachenzentrum Leipzig therefore offers a tandem service to learn languages together:
    • Student Representatives
      • At the university, there is a student council for each degree programme. They offer group activities, excursions and events for the students of the respective faculty. An overview of all student councils can be found here
  • Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (MLU)
  • Merseburg University of Applied Sciences (HoMe)
    • Information on university sports, student clubs and student communities
    • ​​​​​​The Student:innenrat (StuRa) is the central electoral body of the community of students and represents them in their dealings with the state and the university. The StuRa also takes care of financial and organisational matters.
    • The student council consists of elected representatives of all students of a department. They represent the interests of the students in their department and fulfil the duties of student self-administration. Student council members advise students on subject-related issues, organise support courses and tutoring programmes and are the first point of contact for project funding. They also organise events and university political activities.
    • Buddy Service of the International Office
      The buddies (students of Merseburg University of Applied Sciences) help with big and small problems of everyday life, e.g. going to the authorities, problems in the hall of residence, etc. They regularly organise cultural events and take students on excursions to show them around Merseburg. Further information can be found on the Buddy Facebook group.
    • Info page for first-semester students (updated every semester)

Further Information