The office hours on-site without an appointment are canceled in February. Alternatively, you can use the phone consultation hours without an appointment:

Tuesdays from 9.00 to 11.00 a.m. at +49 1761 96 59 674.

International Students

We advise you.

International students in Leipzig have a wide range of questions – from orientation at the place of study to the topics of residence and finances.

International students from all Leipzig universities as well as prospective students from abroad receive individual counselling on social, personal and economic issues from us. Individual counselling is free of charge, takes place in a protected setting and is available in various languages. Anonymous counselling is also possible. Counselling with translation is available on request.

What we consult on

  • Questions about the right of residence in Germany
  • Access to studying (orientation and referring)
  • Communication with authorities, health insurance companies, landlords – advice on application procedures and legal options for dealing with outstanding payments
  • Jobbing in addition to your studies – types of jobs (e.g. mini-jobs, student trainees, self-employment), social security contributions and taxes, work permits
  • Orientation in case of changes in the study status (e.g. leave of absence, removal from register due to family requirements, chronic disease, transition from study to work) and effects on student financing
  • Health insurance (e.g. access, differences between statutory and private health insurance, orientation in the health system)
  • Licence Fee (Rundfunkbeitrag ARD, ZDF and Deutschlandradio)
  • Examination of possible entitlements to social benefits (e.g. housing benefit, child benefit, unemployment benefits), requirements, information on the application procedure
  • Counselling and orientation in difficult life situations (e.g. doubts about studying, planned drop-out) – Information about specific offers of universities, municipal institutions and counselling centers in Leipzig
  • Advice on financial assistance from Studentenwerk Leipzig’s hardship fund to bridge a financial emergency situation
  • Advice on studying with children (e.g. financing, study organisation, daycare search)
  • Advice on studying with a chronic disease or impairment (e.g. financing, organisation of studies, disability compensation)

Experience report from an international student with social counselling

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