The bicycle repair workshop in the Villa will be closed from 29. August to 20. September.


Help for your bike.

For bicyclists, we offer three do-it-yourself repair shops which are being financed via the Mobility Fund.

In our do-it-yourself repair shops students can repair their bikes for free. If needed  free expert counselling is provided  to students when repairing their bicycles. These do-it-yourself repair shops are being financed by the Mobility Fund. For this service you will have to present your student card containing the “SB” or “MDV” logo for the running semester. Every student paying the Semesterbeitrag to Studentenwerk Leipzig can make use of the following facilities:

Bicyle Repair Station at HTWK

The bicycle repair shop at Leipzig University of Applied Sciences (HTWK) provides numerous tools and enabels spontaneous, short repair works you do not need to visit a bicycle repair shop for. Among the tools are an air pump for various types of tyres and items to adjust the saddle height, to change tyres or to tighten loose screws.

Students of all Leipzig colleges can use the repair station for free. Financial menans for the installation of the bicycle repair station were provided by the Mobility Fund, in order to promote sustainable mobility among students.

Address: Gustav-Freytag-Straße/corner Karl-Liebknecht-Straße between Lipsius-Bau and HTWK university library

Further Information:

For all information regarding the transport of a bicycle, please refer to the page about the semester ticket.