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Mensa at home: recipe for eggplants in oatmeal breading
The Mensas are closed and you have no idea what you could cook? We will publish recipes from our Mensa one at a time for you to recook at home. Today we are publishing another recipe of your choice in our Mensa at home series: Eggplants in oatmeal breading. These vegetarian eggplant steakes can be […]
Climate friendly Meals in our Mensas – Studentenwerk Participating in Earth Day 2021
As part of the Earth Day initiative, our Mensas and Cafeterias are offering only climate-friendly meals on 22 April. In accordance with the current Corona Protection Ordinance, six of our facilities are currently open and provide a take-away offer. To draw attention to the impact of our diet on the climate, on this day only […]
Christmas Week from 9. to 13. December – Festive highlights in our Mensas
It is that time again: Our beloved Christmas Week is just around the corner! From Monday to Friday we cordially invite you to get in the Christmas spirit with our festive dishes. From 9. to 13. December you can expect delicious menus in all Mensas, for example:
Social Counselling
Mensa & Cafeteria am Medizincampus
Sustainability in Mensas & Cafeterias
Your new Studentenwerk App is here – personalised infos for everyday!
Launch is on the 16. Oktober 2024 – all infos can be found on our website.
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