Semester Ticket Committee

Get to know the STA.

The Semesterticketausschuss (STA – Semester Ticket Committee) decides, among other things, about the allocation of funds from the Mobility Fund and gives advice to the Administrative Board concerning the semester ticket.

The Semesterticketausschuss (STA) is appointed by the Studentenwerk Administrative Board. It serves as the contact point for any and all issues regarding the semester ticket and is responsible for the use of the funds originating from the Mobility Fund.

The Semesterticketausschuss is composed of:

  • one student representative of the Studentenwerk Administrative Board
  • two representatives of the Leipzig University Student Council (StudentInnenrat)
  • one representative of the Student Council of the Leipzig University of Applied Sciences (HTWK Leipzig)
  • one representative of the Student Council of the University of Music and Theatre »Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy« Leipzig (HMT)
  • one representative of the Student Council of the Academy of Fine Arts Leipzig (HGB)
  • one representative of the Student Council of the Berufsakademie Sachsen (University of Cooperative Education)
  • two Studentenwerk employees.

The President and his/her proxy are part of the student body. Any queries regarding the Semesterticketausschuss und the Mobility Fund may be addressed directly to the Referat für Nachhaltige Mobilität (Sustainable Mobility Unit) of the Leipzig University Student Council (

For further information, please refer to Geschäftsordnung des Semesterticketausschusses* (Rules of Procedure of the Semester Ticket Committee).

* Es gilt die deutsche Fassung. / The german version applies.