
Studentenwerk Leipzig – Anstalt öffentlichen Rechts
Goethestraße 6
04109 Leipzig

Postfach 100 928
D-04009 Leipzig

Telefon: +49 341 9659-5
Fax: +49 341 9659-684

Managing Director
Dr. Andrea Diekhof

Stefanie Dietz / Studentenwerk Leipzig

Studentenwerk Leipzig, Jan Eric Euler (, Anne Schwerin (, Swen Reichhold (, Anne Weinrich (, Christina Elena Wille (, Gleichstellungsbüro der Universität Leipzig,  Christian Hüller (, Jcomp/Freepik, Adobe Stock, Unsplash

Images (Website & Social Media)
Paula Partzsch (,

Design and development
Designtoasty – Design & Digitalagency

Company data protection officer
Kevin Peter
Corinthstr. 19
04157 Leipzig
Telefon: +49 800 63003061

Legal notes

Legal information on type of organization
Studentenwerk Leipzig is an institution under public law (Anstalt öffentlichen Rechts). It is legally represented by the managing director Dr. Andrea Diekhof. The controlling authority in charge is the Saxon State Ministry of Science and Art.

Legal information on liability / disclaimer
Studentenwerk Leipzig tries to ensure the correctness and topicality auf of the information provided on this website. Despite all efforts, errors and dubieties cannot be excluded completely. Studentenwerk Leipzig therefore does not guarantee the topicality, correctness, completeness, or quality of the provided information. Studentenwerk Leipzig shall not assume any liability for material or immaterial damage directly or indirectly caused by the utilization or non-utilization of the provided information, unless it can be demonstrably charged with wilful or grossly negligent conduct. The same shall apply to the free download of provided software or information.

Studentenwerk Leipzig reserves the right to change, amend, and delete parts of the online content or the entire website or to suspend the publication temporarily or finally.

Liability for “third-party contents”, provided e.g. by means of direct or indirect links to other providers, implies the positive knowledge of unlawful or criminal content. “Third-party content” is always opened in a new browser window. Studentenwerk Leipzig has no influence whatsoever on third-party content and does not adopt such content. Studentenwerk Leipzig has no positive knowledge of illegal or offensive content provided on the linked pages of third-party providers. If, however, the linked pages of third-party providers contain illegal or offensive content, Studentenwerk Leipzig distances itself expressly from such content.

Legal information on copyright
The layout of the website, the images used, and other contents are protected by copyright. Reproduction of information and data, in particular the reuse of texts, text parts, or images shall require the prior written consent of Studentenwerk Leipzig. The provided content shall be for personal use only within the scope of the provided functions. The user does not acquire any rights to the contents or programs. If software is provided for download, the usage authorization shall be restricted to personal use within the scope of the website usage.

Information on dispute resolution procedure
Studentenwerk Leipzig is neither liable nor willing to participate in alternative dispute resolutions in line with the Verbraucherstreitbeilegungsgesetz (German Act on Alternative Resolution of Consumer Disputes – VSBG). To comply with the obligation to inform, Studentenwerk Leipzig advises students of the competent consumer arbitration committee: Allgemeine Verbraucherschlichtungsstelle des Zentrums für Schlichtung e.V., Straßburger Str. 8, D-77694 Kehl, internet: