Questions & Answers around Student Housing

  • Does everyone have a room of one’s own and is the room lockable?

    Yes, we assign only single rooms in shared flats or single apartments. Every room or apartment is lockable.

  • Can I redecorate my room?

    Yes, you can decorate your room, as you like. In this regard, please note the terms and conditions defined in the terms of lease, XI. Tenant’s obligations and XIII/1.

  • Can I install my own washing machine?

    No, that is impossible. However, washing machines and a tumble drier are located in the basement of each residential home, to be used for a fee.

  • Can I or do I have to bring my own furniture?

    The rooms are usually furnished, but you can rent a few unfurnished rooms at the residence in Mainzer Straße 2a, which you can furnish by yourself. Please note that this only applies to 10 rooms.

  • Which equipment is available in the room/apartment?

    The room is furnished with a bed, a wardrobe, a shelf, a desk, and a chair. Please note: Bedding, sheets, tableware, pots, cutlery and towels are not provided.

  • What is the average size of the rooms?

    Room sizes vary from one residence to another. For detailed information on room sizes by means of the floor plans, please refer to our website Student Halls of Residence.

  • Is WLAN available at the residence halls?

    No. Due to the structural conditions of the halls of residence (partially reinforced concrete) as well as for safety and administrative reasons, we are at present not able to provide WLAN. You need a network cable in your room to connect to the internet. However, you can operate your own WLAN via a so-called WLAN router in your room. We provide instructions on how to set the router in studNET in the section “Documents for download” on our studNET page.

  • Is it possible to have an internet connection via an external Internet provider?

    Studentenwerk Leipzig operates a closed data network in its student halls of residence. It is designed for the purposes of studies, teaching and research only. Therefore we provide sufficient data volume. The communication infrastructure of Studentenwerk Leipzig does not dispose of free wires suitable for data feed from external providers.

  • When to apply?

    After receiving your admission or by providing your certificate of enrollment you can apply online on our website.

  • May another person take care of my application?

    It is permitted for another person, who you need to authorize in writing, to take care of your application. You need to sign the rental agreement yourself though, because you are the tenant.

  • I did not get a room offer at my preferred residence. If I reject the first offer, do I get another one?

    You will receive only one offer per application. If you decline the offer, you will have to reapply online for a room and end up at the end of the waiting list. Please note that we now have such a high demand for accommodation that a second offer is almost impossible. The first offer you receive is the best possible match for your stated wishes and you should accept this offer.

    Please note: Even if the first offer is not in the residence of your choice, you should accept it! After a minimum period of residence of one semester (6 months), you can then apply for relocation and move within our halls of residence if there is free capacity. A relocation fee of currently 30.00 euros will be charged.

  • Can I apply for only one semester?

    The minimum occupancy usually is one academic year, i.e. two full semesters. The minimum occupancy for foreign exchange students (e.g. Erasmus) is three months.

  • Are students from other colleges not in Leipzig allowed to apply?

    Students from other colleges not in Leipzig can apply at any time. Please note that students from Leipzig colleges will be treated preferentially. Because of the high demand we are currently facing it is almost ruled out that you will get a place of residence as a student that does not study in Leipzig.

  • Can I rent an entire apartment at a residence?

    No. We rent out either single apartments or single rooms in shared flats.

  • Can I change the application data?

    If you wish to cancel your application, please send us an e-mail to

    This only applies to the application. Once you have accepted a room offer or signed the tenancy agreement, you cannot cancel the reservation or withdraw from the tenancy agreement without further ado. In this case, please contact your responsible contact person.

  • Can I apply for a room at a residence, if I am nonstudent?

    Nonstudents, including trainees, are not eligible for student housing. To get a room at a residence, it is required that you are enrolled at a college. Students of colleges in Leipzig are treated preferentially. For the online application, you need a valid admission notice or confirmation of enrollment for the preferred commencement of the rental agreement.

  • Can I apply, when I do an internship in Leipzig?

    Yes, if you are an enrolled student. Students from colleges not in Leipzig can apply at any time but please note that students from the colleges in Leipzig have preferential treatment.

  • Can I apply for a shared flat together with a friend?

    Yes, you can indicate in the online application that you prefer living with a specific person. We will try to allow for your wish. But please note that this is only possible if we have enough capacities.

  • Which documents are required for the application?

    To process your online application, we need the admission notice or the confirmation of enrollment.

  • How long does it take until you offer me a room?

    We receive many applications in the beginning of each semester, which need to be processed individually. Assignment for the winter semester usually starts in August. We are going to get back to you as soon as possible, we cannot give you a guarantee for a room offer.

  • How much time do I have to accept or reject the offered room?

    As there are many students waiting for a residence room, we give you a few days to decide whether you want to accept or reject the offered room. If you do not get back to us within the stipulated period, we will give the room to another student.

  • When can I move in?

    You can move in after the rental agreement was concluded and on the day the lease starts as specified in the rental agreement. If the specfied start date is a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday, the rented property shall be handed over as of the subsequent working day. There shall be no hand overs on December 24th and December 31st of each calendar year.

    To receive the keys, you need to book an appointment for moving in. You will receive the link to the online appointment calendar from us at the given time.

  • When do I have to move out?

    You have to move out at the latest the day the lease ends as specified in the rental agreement or the cancellation. You can return the rental unit only from Monday to Friday until 10 a.m. at the latest. If the day the lease ends on a Saturday, Sunday or bank holiday, you need to move out the previous workday (Monday to Friday). You cannot return the rental unit on December 24 and 31.

    TIP: Contact the caretaker in good time to agree an appointment for moving out and returning the rental unit.

  • Can I extend the contract?

    Yes, you can extend the contract, provided you are enrolled. Please contact your personal consultant for this.

  • Can I bring pets?

    Keeping animals is in general not allowed at student residences.

  • Can I move in earlier?

    Usually not, as the rooms are rented out until the last day of the previous month.

  • What do I have to consider with regard to the public broadcasting license fee (“Rundfunkbeitrag”)?

    The public broadcasting license fee (“Rundfunkbeitrag”) is not included in the overall rent. Find all information on the website of the Beitragsservice.

  • How do I get the tenancy agreement?

    As soon as you have accepted a room offer, you will receive further information to conclude the tenancy agreement.

  • How much is the rent, if I move in the middle of month?

    Rooms are rented out always from the first day of the month. Therefore, rent payment is due for the full month, regardless of when you move in.

  • How much is the rent in general?

    Rental prices depend on the room size, furniture and fittings and where the residence is situated plus other factors.

    Please refer to our website to get detailed information on rental prices in the individual residences.

  • How much is the deposit?

    The deposit is € 450.00 from 01.10.2024. It will be debited together with the first rent or paid in cash on arrival (you will receive further information during the application process). The deposit will be transferred back to your SEPA account 6-8 weeks after moving out, provided there are no outstanding claims.

  • How can I cancel my tenancy agreement?

    You can give due notice at least eight weeks prior to the end of the second semester after the expiration of the minimum occupancy of one academic year. Termination of the tenancy by the tenant before the semester ends requires the consent of the landlord and that the tenant can name a suitable tenant for the remaining rental period.

  • How long is the minimum occupancy?

    The minimum occupancy usually is one academic year, i.e. two full semesters. The minimum occupancy for international exchange students (e.g. Erasmus) is three months.

  • Is insurance included in the rent (household insurance and liability insurance)?

    No, household insurance and liability insurance are not included in the rental price. You need to take out insurance yourself. We recommend you to take out liability insurance and household insurance as soon as you move in. In case of a damage this will save you high costs.

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