Information day for prospective and international students


HTWK Leipzig
Lecture hall, seminar room and foyer on the ground floor
Karl-Liebknecht-Str. 134
04277 Leipzig

General information on the event

The following universities from Leipzig and the surrounding area will be on site with information stands:

  • Universität Leipzig (Leipzig University)
  • Hochschule für Technik, Wirtschaft und Kultur Leipzig HTWK (Leipzig University of Applied Sciences )
  • iba Leipzig Internationale Berufsakademie (iba | University of Cooperative Education)
  • Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst Leipzig (Academy of Fine Arts Leipzig)
  • Hochschule für Musik und Theater „Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy“ Leipzig (University of Music and Theatre »Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy« Leipzig)
  • Hochschule Merseburg (Merseburg University of Applied Sciences)

Presentations on the topics:

  • Pathways to higher education // 2.00 – 3.00 p.m. // German and English presentation parallel in two halls
    • Among other things, the presentation will clarify the following questions: Am I allowed to study in Germany? What do I have to consider when applying? Which residence titles entitle me to study? Who has to attend a preparatory course (Studienkolleg) before being allowed to study?
  • Financing my studies // 3.30 – 4.30 p.m. // German and English presentation parallel in two halls
    • Sources of funding for students: Information on parental support, BAföG, jobbing, loans etc.
  • Scholarships // 4.30 – 5.00 p.m. // German presentation, additional information and questions in English if required
    • Students from Leipzig University and HTWK Leipzig will provide an overview of relevant scholarship organisations in Germany and an insight into the application process for scholarships, with the opportunity to ask individual questions.

Get in touch with students and initiatives: :

  • Exchange of information with students from different degree programmes
  • Information stand by “Wir sind Paten Leipzig” – a project that brings people together who need help and who offer help. Funded by the programm “Menschen stärken Menschen”.

And there will be more: Information on funding of studies, language courses and getting to know Leipzig:

  • Studentenwerk Leipzig, Social Counselling
    • Counselling services on funding of studies, organizational questions, student jobs, health insurance, international student matters, studying with child(ren), studying with impairment or chronic disease etc.
  • Garantiefonds Hochschule
    • Counselling services on studying, assessment of previous education, accessing language courses, completion of German Hochschulreife, internships, education cost and general financial support offers
  • Welcome Centre of the City of Leipzig 
    • Advice on arriving in Leipzig, residence law, integration courses and much more
  • Department for Grants
    • Counselling services on BAFöG

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