Info Day for Refugee and International Prospective Students

The information day was launched in 2018 by the Studentenwerk Leipzig in cooperation with the Leipzig Hochschule für Technik, Wirtschaft und Kultur and the Universität Leipzig. Since then, the event has been supported by other universities from Leipzig and the surrounding area. The aim is to inform international and refugee prospective students on the topics of applying, starting their studies and financing their studies. The event takes place annually. 


The information day for refugee and international prospective students takes place annually.

What can you expect?

  • Universities from Leipzig and the surrounding area present themselves
  • Other initiatives and organisations provide information on topics such as arriving in Leipzig, financing studies and language courses
  • Lectures on topics such as ways to get to university, student finanzing
  • Exchange with students from various degree programmes
  • Language mediators of various languages on site

Stand 20.02.2024

Photos from the Info Day 2024