The office hours on-site without an appointment are canceled in February. Alternatively, you can use the phone consultation hours without an appointment:

Tuesdays from 9.00 to 11.00 a.m. at +49 1761 96 59 674.

Social Counselling for International Students at the HGB

We are here
for you.

International students of the Leipzig Academy of Fine Arts (HGB) as well as prospective students of the HGB from abroad can take advantage of this special counselling service on social, personal and economic issues. Individual counselling is free of charge and takes place in a protected setting. It can be conducted in English, French or German. Anonymous counselling is also possible. Counselling with translation is possible on request.

What we advise on

  • Questions about the right of residence in Germany
  • Access to studies (orientation and referral counselling)
  • Communication with authorities, health insurance companies, landlords
  • Working while studying (types of jobs, e.g. mini-jobs, working students, self-employed; social security contributions and taxes; work permit)
  • Licence Fee (Rundfnkbeitrag ARD, ZDF, Deutschlandradio)
  • Orientation on changes in study status and effects on study financing (e.g. leave of absence, exmatriculation due to family requirements, chronic illness, transition from study to work)
  • Health insurance
  • Checking possible claims to social benefits (prerequisites, information on the application process, e.g. for housing benefit, child benefit, ALG II)
  • Counselling and orientation in difficult life situations (information on specific services offered by universities, municipal institutions and counselling centres in Leipzig, e.g. if you have doubts about your studies or are planning to drop out) 
  • Counselling on financial aid from the Hardship Fund of the Studentenwerk Leipzig (to bridge a financial emergency)
  • Advice on studying with a child (e.g. financing, organising studies, finding a day care centre)
  • Advice on studying with a diseases or chronic illness (e.g. financing, organising studies, compensation for disadvantages)

Your contact person

Jana Kuppardt

Head of Department & Contact for International Students

Phone: +49 1761 96 59 673

Write an email

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