“Freitisch” vouchers (free meal project)

A financial hardship does not have to mean the end of your studies! Students facing a financial hardship that they are not responsible for not only can apply for a “Freitisch” voucher by contacting the Social Counselling Service. This voucher will be added to the student card or Mensa card in order to pay for food and beverages at the Mensas and Cafeterias of the Studentenwerk.

Besides the appplication for a “Freitisch” voucher you can also apply for financial support from the hardship fund of the Studentenwerk. The guidelines of these two financial support measures do not preclude a parallel application or one application following the other. 

After the application you are not on your own as well. We are looking forward to advise you on long-term financing possibilities for your studies and answer your questions concerning social and financial topics as well as questions of all other kind. We are bound to medical confidentiality.

Please contact our Social Counselling Service team as soon as possible in order to prevent a deterioration of your financial situation. We are looking forward to help you! For the application write us an e-mail to sozialberatung@studentenwerk-leipzig.de


  • General

    Based on its social and economical support contract (following section 109 paragraph 4 of the Saxon Higher Education Autonomy Act) the Studentenwerk Leipzig has the opportunity to hand out “Freitisch” vouchers (“Freitisch-Gutscheine”) to students. The aim is to support students affected by a financial hardship situation that they are not responsible for and to guarantee their food and beverages supply in the Mensas and Cafeterias of the Studentenwerk Leipzig.

    All students enrolled at an institution belonging to the Studentenwerk Leipzig can apply for a “Freitisch” voucher.

    There is no legal entitlement to a “Freitisch” voucher. The support is based on the disposable measures.

  • Voucher amount and allocation

    As soon as the application for a “Freitisch” voucher has been granted, its amount will be added to the Mensa chip (student card or Mensa card). The voucher amount for a “Freitisch” voucher is 100 euros. The allocation is limited to one voucher per semester and student. As a rule, the application can be made three times per study. All offers of the Mensas and Cafeterias of the Studentenwerk Leipzig can be used, including beverages and desserts. A disbursement of the credit amount in cash is not possible. The voucher is valid without a time limitation.

  • Requirements

    A “Freitisch” voucher can be applied for by students enrolled at an institution belonging to the Studentenwerk Leipzig and affected by an acute, temporary financial hardship situation. An individual counselling session is necessary for the application.

    The reasons for the financial hardship can be individual and various, e.g. because of the omission of incoming payments or revenue, unexpected additional costs, illness or a change of life circumstances. An application is also possible if the financial hardship has other causes than mentioned previously. The examples only serve as a rough orientation and are not final.

  • Application and approval procedure

    You can apply directly during an individual counselling appointment at the Social Counselling service. In case of questions it is possible to discuss the application beforehand as well.

    Questions regarding the application

    Send us the following documents via e-mail to sozialberatung@studentenwerk-leipzig.de:

    • filled-in appliation form
    • Student card or Certificate of Enrolment
    • Identity card or passport
    • residence permit (international students)
    • account statements of the past four weeks with current account balance (can also be shown on site via bank app)

    As soon as the documents have been checked and processed and all requirements for an application are fulfilled, you will promptly be informed about the decision and a “Freitisch” voucher will be handed out to you.

  • Topping up “Freitisch” voucher
    • The “Freitisch” voucher is topped up on your Mensa chip (Student Card or Mensa Card). In order to do so, you can book a short appointment at one of the two locations without any complications or long waiting periods. After that the voucher can be used immediately.

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