Start networking! New Facebook Group for Students with Child(ren)


The new facebook group „Studium mit Kind Leipzig“ provides student parents with information, event tips and serves a platform for exchange.

Studentenwerk Leipzig wants to give student parents (to be) an additional opportunity to reveicve information on studying with children quickly, easily and digitally. Therefore, the facebook group "Studium mit Kind Leipzig" was opened recently. Here you'll find information on local events as well as the latest specials and news that are interesting to members of the group. Additonally, mothers and fathers to be and student parents can exchange and network.

This facebook group is an offer to all students across Leipzig's universities/academies and their partners.

The group is an additonal information platform and does not replace Studentenwerk Leipzig's Social Counselling in any way. For individual questions and challenges, student parents are of course welcome to refer to Social Counselling's counselling service.

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