Attention, dear student parents: On 1 July there will be a free and tasty breakfast at the Mensa am Park as well as consultation on studying with children and a mixed programme.
Our family breakfast finally returns! On 1 July, 2023, from 9.00 to 11.00 a.m. student parents of all Leipzig colleges and their children are invited to have breakfast at the Mensa am Park.
At our get-together student parents can talk to contact people of different organisations and facilities in a comfortable atmosphere and exchange their questions and probems on studying with children. Among the counsellors are Studentenwerk Leipzig's Social Counselling service, equal opportunities representatives and student council members of the Leipzig colleges. The event as well offers a good chance to get to know other parents and connect with them.
Besides a healthy breakfast buffet there will be the following attractions:
If you would like to participate in the flea market, please send an e-mail to sozialberatung@studentenwerk-leipzig.de.
The entry for the breakfast is free for students and their children, the student card serves as proof. The students' partners as well as pregnant students with their partners are of course welcome, too.