We recently introduced special counselling offers for HMT students. The first group sessions will start in January.
1. Relaxation Techniques
This group is about learning and practicing techniques of autogenic training as well as progressive muscle relaxation.
Time: 6 dates of 90 minutes each, Tuesdays at 6.15 p.m., starting 9 January 2018
Place: Center for Social Services (CSS), Gutenbergplatz 4, 04103 Leipzig, 4th floor (Gruppenraum)
2. Finding a Positive Way of Dealing with Stress and Stage Fright
This group is about identifying stress-inducing behavior patterns and thoughts as well as learning how to handle them. The last date of the series will be about stage fright.
Time: 6 dates of 90 minutes each, Wednesdays at 9.15 a.m., starting 10 January 2018
Place: Center for Social Services (CSS), Gutenbergplatz 4, 04103 Leipzig, 4th floor (Gruppenraum)
If you are interested, please sign up by 7 January 2018 at psb-hmt@studentenwerk-leipzig.de.