Free Rooms in our Halls of Residence

Wohnheimplätze Zimmer

Due to the pandemic, there are more free rooms in our halls of residence than usual for the upcoming summer semester 2021. This offers a broader choice and higher chances of getting one of the popular places in one of our student halls of residence.

In the past there were often waiting lists for places in our halls of residence at the start of the semester due to the high demand. For the start of the 2021 summer semester, we are so far seeing a moderate demand. One reason for this is that fewer international students are coming to Germany to study. Another reason is that many new students start their digital studies from their home town and do not even move to Leipzig. However, the actual extent of the drop in applications will only be clear once the application period has ended at the start of the summer semester beginning in April.

As a result, there are currently good chances of getting a modernized place in a 2-person shared flat close to the university with a fast and stable internet connection.  Living in a student house community is a further benefit of our halls of residence. If you apply now for a place as of 1 April 2021, you have a very good chance of being able to move into the hall of residence of your choice.

Our halls of residence are a good choice, especially for first-year students. Since the Corona pandemic has limited the opportunities for making new contacts, the student dormitory spokespersons and our tutors offer digital meeting places for dormitory residents.  This helps new students, especially those who are not familiar with the city, to get started with their studies and their new life in Leipzig. Even during the lockdown, there is a special community among the students living in the halls of residence. There, you have the opportunity to exchange information and ideas, even in times of digital teaching. Social contacts are easily made in the halls of residence – a good base for the start of your studies and the time after the lockdown.

In order to ensure that digital learning works well directly from the dormitory room and to guarantee the communication among the students, we replaced the directional radio connections  previously used for the internet in the student dormitories by fast and stable cable connections.

The Studentenwerk Leipzig has about 5,200 places in 15 student halls of residence. The halls of residence vary in size, their location throughout the city and, in some cases, the level of living comfort they offer. The majority of residences are shared flats with single rooms, and a kitchen and bathroom shared between two students. In addition, a limited number of single flats (one-room flats) and larger shared flats for up to six students are available. Most rents range between 170 and 300 euros, including all utilities (heating, water, electricity, internet, cable TV) and furniture. The average rent is currently around 236 euros. The university facilities are easily accessible by public transport.

In contrast to many conventional housing offers, there are free student support services in our halls of residence, such as for example the Tableware Exchange, which offers help with the initial endowment of your own kitchen. For Hendrik Willems, one of our tutors for international students, the advantages of the halls of residence are particularly evident in times of pandemic: "It's very uncomplicated to move into a hall of residence. You don't have to take care of anything yourself, everything is included in the rent. You don't have to make a lot of extra trips to offices or the housing administration. A shared flat in a hall of residence offers an additional advantage: all residents are tenants with equal rights, in contrast to shared flats in the private housing market, where often only one person holds the main tenancy agreement."

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