Family Breakfast


Mensa am Park
Universitätsstraße 5
04109 Leipzig

Impressions of the last event

Once per semester, Studentenwerk Leipzig, Leipzig University and the Leipzig University of Applied Sciences HTWK organise a family breakfast that takes place in the Mensa am Park. Student parents from all Leipzig universities and their children as well as pregnant women are invited.

The breakfast offers parents the opportunity to talk to people from various organisations and institutions in a relaxed atmosphere about questions and problems that come with studying with a child. It is also a good opportunity for parents to get to know each other better.

The Equal Opportunities Officers of Leipzig University, the social counsellors of the Studentenwerk and the student counsellors of Leipzig’s universities will provide practical tips on organising and financing studies with children and arrange helpful contacts.

In addition to a healthy breakfast buffet for young and old, there will be a little surprise programme for the children – and for the parents there will be lots of information, nice contacts with other student parents and the opportunity to get advice. (registration by email to:

Admission to the family breakfast is free for students and their children; a student ID serves as proof. Partners and pregnant women with partners are also very welcome.

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