Once per semester, Studentenwerk Leipzig, Leipzig University and the Leipzig University of Applied Sciences (HTWK) organise a family breakfast that takes place at the student restaurant Mensa am Park.
The breakfast provides parents with the opportunity to talk with people from various organizations and institutions in an informal atmosphere about the questions and problems that studying with children bring about. It is furthermore a good opportunity for the parents to meet and get to know each other better.
The university equal opportunities commissioners, the Studentenwerk social counselors and members of the Leipzig colleges’ student councils provide hands-on tips on how to organize and finance your studies with child(ren) and establish helpful contacts.
Besides a healthy breakfast buffet for young and old, the children are offered a surprise program – and the parents a lot of information, nice contacts to other student parents and the possibility to get advice.
Student couples with child(ren) as well as single-parent students studying at any of Leipzig’s universities and academies are invited to attend along with their child(ren). Entrance to the family breakfast is free for students and their children. The student card is required as proof.
Impressions from the last event