“Yes we change” – Studentenwerke Photo Competition


The Studentenwerke Photo Competition is aimed at change.

Change is constant and the most natural thing in the world is in fact: change. The sixth edition of the Studentenwerke Photo Competition is aimed at photographs from students who describe experiencing and creating change and alteration. What new grounds do students break, how do they encounter the ever-changing world and what are their islands of stability?

From now on and until 1 June 2018, students can hand in their photos. Admissible is one single photograph and/or a photo set not exceeding more than four photos. The submission may be send in digitally or handed in (analogue) at your Studentenwerk. Eligible to take part is every student who is registered at a university or academy that is covered by Studentenwerk Leipzig.

Participating pays off: Prizes worth more than 4,000 EUR in total are up for grabs. An independent five-member jury will pick a shortlist of the (pre-)winners which will be (for the first time ever in the history of the competition) up for a public online voting from 11 to 21 June 2018. After awarding the final winners, an exhibition with the best photographs of the competition will be opened and afterwards tour through all participating Studentenwerk locations.

Find more information and conditions for participation here: www.fotowettbewerb-studentenwerke.de. You can also find the competition on Facebook (facebook.com/fotowettbewerb.der.studentenwerke) and Instagram (#StudentPhotoAward2018) . At Studentenwerk Leipzig, Angela Hölzel, responsible for cultural funding, is the contact person for the photo competition (hoelzel@studentenwerk-leipzig.de).

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