Studying in Leipzig?! Info Event for Refugees


For the second time, Studentenwerk Leipzig hosts an info event for refugees who would like to study in Leipzig or the surrounding area.

On 13 March 2019, Studentenwerk Leipzig hosts in collaboration with universities and academies in Leipzig and the surrounding area an info event for refugees interested in studying. From 12 noon until 6.00 p.m., interested persons are welcome to learn more about the universities and academies, entry requirements and preparatory offers for studying. The event takes place in the foyer of Nieper-Bau at HTWK Leipzig (Karl-Liebknecht-Straße 134).

The following questions will be answered: 

  • What do I have to do before studying? 
  • What can I study and where?
  • How do I finance my studies?
  • What experiences have other students had?

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