Semester ticket as from WS 19/20: Expanded service and higher contributions


Contract extension aftermath: Semester ticket for students with more service and higher contributions

The new contract for the MDV semester ticket goes into effect as from winter semester 2019/20. The improvements include that first year students can use the full scope of the MDV semester ticket one month prior to the actual start of the semester. Among other things, this should facilitate the search for accommodation.

Current students who want to register for winter semester 2019/20 will also notice a price increase. Since students in Leipzig used public transport with the MDV semester ticket much more often than expected and costed out since 2014, a price increase was inevitable. As a result, the required price increase is spread over the five-year period of the new contract with an annual price increase of 10.00 EUR. Starting in winter semester 2019/20, Leipzig students pay 135.00 EUR per semester. The amount then increases by 10.00 EUR annually resulting in a total of 175.00 EUR for each semester from summer semester 2024. This corresponds to a monthly ticket price of 22.50 EUR at the beginning of the new contract period and 29.17 EUR at the end. For comparison: The ABO Azubi ticket (a ticket for trainees) for Leipzig (zone 110) from the regular MDV tariff offer costs 40.50 EUR per month.

By involving the semester ticket committee of Studentenwerk Leipzig in the extension negotiations and by regularly providing feedback to the student representatives and university management of the eight universities and academies in Leipzig, it was ensured that the student’s interests were represented in the process. Representatives of all eight universities and acadamies that are covered by Studentenwerk Leipzig are members of the semester ticket committee.


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