Prospective students with a history of flight who do not yet have the necessary German language skills can take German language courses at the University of Leipzig to prepare them for their studies free of charge.
The University of Leipzig is once again offering free preparatory German courses for refugees in the winter semester 2021/22. This offer is aimed at those interested in studying at the University of Leipzig. The courses begin in October 2021, last six to nine months (depending on previous language skills) and lead to the German language level C1 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. The courses conclude with the German Language Examination for University Admission (DSH). Depending on the further development of the pandemic, the courses take place in class, in a hybrid format including digital elements or completely online.
The International Office of the University invites prospective students with an experience of flight to apply online via uni-assist e.V. in the between 3 May 2021 and 30 June 2021.
Requirements for participation
In order to be able to apply free of charge, you must upload a confirmation of counselling from the International Centre in the my.uni-assist portal.
Students interested in participating can obtain this confirmation by presenting their residence title and declaring their intention to study at the University of Leipzig by sending an e-mail to refugees.study@uni-leipzig.