Personal Changes in the Studentenwerk Leipzig’s Administrative Board


Since mid-June the Studentenwerk Leipzig’s Administrative Board has a new head.

With the Studentenwerk Leipzig's Administrative Board meeting on 13 June, 2023, the term of Dominik Schwarz (student representative from Leipzig University) as head of the Administrative Board has ended. Schwarz had been elected in 2018, his successor is now Sabine Giese (student representative from Leipzig University of Applied Sciences, HTWK).

Furthermore Rebecca Chammas was welcomed in the Administrative Board as new student represantive from the University of Music and Theatre "Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy" (HMT). She is the successor of the previous HMT student representative, Martin Köcher, and is now a regular member of the Social Committee. The changes came into force on 13 June, 2023.

Besides the Managing Director the Administrative Board is the most important body of the Studentenwerk Leipzig. The board makes important decisions as for example the resolution on the regulations, the economic plan, the appropriation of profit and the real estate transactions. Moreover the Administrative Board engages committees for specific tasks (e.g. the Social Committee or the Culture Committee).

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