New photo exhibition in July and August


Celine Müller is exhibiting her photos in the Studentenwerk Leipzig in July and August.

Celine Müller is a student of human medicine at the University of Leipzig and has been taking photographs since her youth. Alongside her medical studies, she cultivates her passion for creating individualised works with recognition value. 

Müller says about herself that it was a long way until she found her current style of expressing messages and feelings in her photos the way she wanted to.

In the current photo exhibition at the Studentenwerk Leipzig, the medical student is exhibiting works from her series "Obscuration" and "Obsession of water". Müller wants to take viewers into a "new world full of imagination, drama and mysticism", says the student. 

The photographs can be seen until the end of August 2022 in the corridors of the 1st and 2nd floors of the Leipzig Studentenwerk (Goethestr. 6).

Interested in having your own photo exhibition?

Students who would like to show their photographs in an exhibition are welcome to apply to Studentenwerk Leipzig. 24 frames sized 59.4 x 84 cm each can be shown in the exhibition spaces in the hallways of the 1st and 2nd floor at Goethestraße 6. The exhibitions are usually shown for two months.

The exhibitions are financed by Studentenwerk Leipzig's Cultural Funding.

The student photographers must be enrolled in one of the eight Leipzig Universities/Academies, which are associated with the Studentenwerk Leipzig, for the whole course of the exhibition.

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