Illustrated Dictionaries: Mensa version now available

Illustrierte Wörterbücher Cover Mensawörterbuch

What do you call things in our students restaurants? An illustrated dictionary was published in German, English and Chinese.

Deutsches Studentenwerk (DSW), the Studentewerk umbrella organisation, has published illustrated dictionaries in different languages. The previously published dictionaries covered everything about student halls of residence. These dictionaries are meant to help students find their way around in their student halls and to learn German.

Adding to the illustrated dictionaries series, a new publication has been released: The Illustrated Mensa* Dictionary. In German, English and Chinese, the Mensa dictionary with drawings and words tells the story of three students dining in a student restaurant. They encounter e.g. the great variety of meals, the cahsless payment system, different regional meals and the cafeteria assortment.
With detailed illustrations, a lot of helpful information is provided in three languages.

*In German, the word “Mensa” (from Latin: table) refers to the large student restaurants that are operated by your Studentenwerk. The terms "Mensa" and "student restaurant" are interchangeable.

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