Franco-German Theatre Workshop: Apply now!


A few places are available for the theatre workshop in Strasbourg from 3 to 7 June

Our partner Studentenwerk organisation in France, Crous Strasbourg, organizes on the occasion of the 2019 FIFA Women’s World Cup in France a Franco-German theatre workshop in Strasbourg themed "Dare to shine". The workshop takes place in Strasbourg from 3 to 7 June 2019 and at the moment there are some free places left for German participants. The deadline for applications is 10 May.

Applicants should be interested in theatre and the aforementioned topic. Even beginners without theatre skills are welcome to take part! Openness and curiosity for the French language are beneficial but language skills are not necessary. The workshop will be led by the well-known Alsatian director Catherine Umdenstock.

Participation is completely free of charge. All expenses for travel, workshop, programme, meals and accommodation will be covered.

Contact person at Studentenwerk Leipzig is Angela Hölzel ( The project description and the application details can be found on the website of Crous Strasbourg.

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