After registering, you can top up your card at the checkouts of all student restaurants and cafeterias – directly and without hard cash through AutoLoad.
No more waiting in line at the loading terminals, no embarrassing situations at our checkouts when there’s not enough money on your card: With AutoLoad, you can load money onto your card directly at our checkouts – without hard cash!
To use AutoLoad, a single registration in our Student Service Center (SSZ) is necessary. After registering, which includes setting up a direct debit mandate (SEPA), you can determine on the card service portal at which balance you’ll be asked to top up your card at our checkouts . If you agree to topping up, the loading amount (from 5.00 to 50.00 EUR), which you also determine on the portal, will be loaded onto your card.
AutoLoad is, of course, optional and topping up at our loading terminals is possible as it was. The AutoLoad service is available to students and employees of all nine universities and academies covered by Studentenwerk Leipzig.
For more details and the FAQ, please visit the AutoLoad website.