Digital International Info Days: Info Event for Refugee and International Students and Students to-be

Digitale Internationale Infotage Infoveranstaltung Studium in Leipzig & Umgebung

This year, the event, first launched by the HTWK and the Studentenwerk Leipzig, takes place on 5 & 6 May 2021 and provides information on universities in and around Leipzig, application procedures, the start of studies and the first semesters online.

Refugee and international first-semester students and prospective students face many unanswered questions and challenges. What do I need to know before starting to study? What study programmes can I choose, and where are they offered? How can I finance my studies? What experiences have other students made? The info days provide information about all relevant study topics. They offer an overview of the study programmes of all regional higher education institutions, their admission requirements, information on how to apply for a degree programme and the opportunity to talk to different initiatives and other students.

The International Info Days take place on 5 and 6 May 2021 in cooperation with universities from Leipzig and the region as well as different initiatives and provide information for international people and people with a migration or refugee background who are interested in studying or are already studying at a university. The event is organized in cooperation with the International Office of the University of Leipzig and the Student Affairs Office of the Leipzig University of Applied Sciences (HTWK).

On 5 May, counsellors from the University of Leipzig, the HTWK, the Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst Leipzig (HGB), the BA Sachsen – state academy, the iba – University of Cooperative Education, as well as the Martin Luther University Halle, the University of Applied Sciences Merseburg and the Social Counselling Service of the Studentenwerk will be available to answer questions and present their service offers.

On 6 May, there will be lectures on the topics of financing your studies, scholarships, student jobs, internships and applications, as well as workshops like "5 life hacks for studying at home", "Intercultural challenges in everyday student life" and "Fit for the exams". Furthermore, the student initiative MitStudieren invites you to its workshop ofneffective learining and its student counselling.

The evening programme offered on both days will bring some variety into the pandemic routine, invite you to join a social event despite being online, and enable you to make contacts with other students or people interested in studying. Chance for Science, takes you on a digital city tour, students from various fields of study organize an online quiz about Leipzig and an audiovisual performance.

  • Title: My Studies in and around Leipzig – Digital Info Days for Refugee and International Students and Students to-be.
  • Timetable: 5 and 6 May 2021, 9 a.m.-7.30 p.m.

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