BAföG – It’s worth applying!


There are many good reasons to apply for BAföG (deriving from The German Federal Training Assistance Act). Even if your BAföG rate is low, you are completely exempt from paying broadcasting license fees!

Did you know?

  • Only half must be repaid!
    NO MATTER HOW MUCH BAFÖG YOU RECEIVE – At least one half is a gift, the rest is an interest-free loan.

  • It’s a match! Minijob and BAföG fancy each other.
    DID YOU KNOW? A 450.00 EUR job does not reduce your BAföG rate. Only the amount exceeding 450.00 EUR will be deducted – and not even in full.

  • Grant your bank account an upgrade! Get your BAföG.
    WITH BAFÖG, YOUR BANK ACCOUNT GETS BUSY. Within 10 semesters, you could receive 44,100 EUR!

Any questions?