Annual report 2022 online now


Student rate growth, learning in presence, increasing number of BAföG appplications: All infos can be found in Studentenwerk Leipzig’s annual report 2022.

2022 will make history as a year of multiple crises, shaped by the ongoing Corona pandemic and challenges like the aggressive war against Ukraine, delivery bottlenecks, energy crisis and inflation.

Despite these adverse circumstances the number of students in Leipzig rose to over 40,000 for the first time in many years. The colleges of Leipzig and Studentenwerk Leipzig returned back to presence work and learning under strict infection protection regulations, furthermore all Mensas and Cafeterias reopened. Nevertheless due to the pandemic, occupancy and sales by far remained below the plan. On the contrary, in other fields Studentenwerk Leipzig reached the pre-pandemic-level again or even exceeded it. The number of BAföG applications increased again in winter semester 2022/23 due to the BAföG amendment and because of affordable living space scarcity the student halls had higher occupancy levels than ever before. Psychosocial Counselling registered a strongly increased need for their offerings because of psychological stress the students had developed during the four pandemic semesters with mainly digital teaching. 

You find all details in the complete annual report online: 

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