Students of the summer semester 2022 will receive a retroactive reduction of the semester ticket fee due to the implementation of the 9-Euro-Ticket.
Due to the implementation of the 9-Euro-Ticket in Germany, which was enacted by the Bundestag and Bundesrat, the Semesterticket will be treated as equivalent to the 9-Euro-Ticket and will be valid nationwide as a 9-Euro-Ticket for the entire period from 1 June to 31 August 2022. The holder is entitled to travel on public transport and regional services throughout Germany during the promotion period (excluding IC, EC, ICE and private providers such as Flixtrain).
As part of this, Leipzig students who have paid the full semester ticket fee (included in the semester fee) in the summer semester 2022 will also receive a pro-rata reimbursement of the semester ticket fee paid for the months of June to August 2022 of 50.50 euros. The implementation takes place through the respective university.