30 September is Veggie-Day at Student Restaurant Mensa Academica


On Veggie-Day we offer tasty, vegetarian and vegan dishes in our student restaurant Mensa Academica.

Student restaurant Mensa Academica waives goodbye to summer with a final Veggie-Day on 30 September. Let's call summer time a (Veggie-) day with a fruity and hot thai coconut burger with pineapple, tomato and sweet chili sauce or a colorful chickpea-spinach-curry with pineapple on basmati rice. Autumn is heralded with warm wheat cream with sugar and cinnamon as well as hearty cheese spaetzles topped with fried onions. All meals are listed on our menu webpage.

Veggie-Days take place since 2010 and were introduced through a student initiative. They are not only our contribution to sustainability, but also an offer to students who would like to eat vegetarian from time to time to abstain from meat consumption or have a vegetarian diet anyway. For those who do not want to eat meatless: A Veggie-Day takes place in only one student restaurant at a time. If you do not want to eat vegan or vegetarian, just switch to another student restaurant on that day. Enjoy your meal, everyone!