18 May: Veggie Day in the Mensa Academica


On Veggie Day the Mensa Academica will be serving delicious vegetarian and vegan dishes.

On Veggie Day on 18 May, the Mensa Academica will be serving exclusively vegetarian and vegan dishes. The menu includes cauliflower in batter with chilli-sesame-tomato pesto, lemon gnocchis with grilled vegetables, and an excellent vegan carbonara with tofu. All dishes can be found in our menu.

The Veggie Days go back to a student initiative. Since 2010, they have been offered regularly in all our Mensas. They are not only a contribution to sustainability, but above all an offer for students who want to eat vegetarian for a change and consciously want to do without meat or are already doing so.  For those who don't want to give up meat: a Veggie Day only takes place in one Mensa at a time, so there is the option of switching to another facility. Enjoy your meal!


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