1000 Cultural Funding Applications Handed In Since 2008


This March, the 1000th application for cultural funding since 2008 was handed in at Studentenwerk Leipzig.

For more than 10 years now, Studentenwerk Leipzig provides financial support for culturual student projects true to their motto „Von Studierenden für Studierende“. In March, the 1000th application for cultural funding since 2008 has been handed in at Studentenwerk. Ten years ago, the funding guidelines have been renewed and were adapted to the ever-changing funding reality. On average, 35,000 EUR per year are granted for student culture by Studentenwerk Leipzig.

About 100 applications for funding are accepted by the culture committee per year. The 1000th application was handed in by “Geräuschkulisse” e. V., a student association that hosts a series of events under the same title and is supported by Studentenwerk Leipzig for a few years now. Once a month, an audience of which most people are students, listens to an audio book, radio feature or sound journey and discusses about it with its creators.

„Financial means from cultural funding are an opportunity for students to challenge themselves creatively while studying; they can put their ideas into action,” explains Angela Hölzel, responsible for cultural funding at Studentenwerk Leipzig. “Even if we fund only a small part of a project’s costs, cultural dedication oftentimes come to life only through our cultural funding. Especially, when there’s no interest in funding a project from other funding organizations or private sponsors.”

The next event from the Geräuschkulisse series takes place on 30 April 2018 from 9.00 p.m. at Hostel & Garten Eden, Demmeringstraße 57. They will present a radio feature called “Callshop Stories”. More information: http://www.geraeuschkulisse.org

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