The Kinderladen is a free childcare service for babies and very young children of students – we specialise in the loving care of children under the age of one. From 8 weeks or after the end of the maternity protection period until the child starts school at the latest, your children can be looked after by two experienced nursery nurses in the Kinderladen on an hourly basis. Childcare is limited to one semester or 6 months. Each child can take advantage of childcare at the Kinderladen for 4 hours on 3 days a week during opening hours. The childcare hours are generally from Monday to Thursday from 8.00 am to 4.00 pm, on Friday from 8.00 am to 3.00 pm. Earlier hours are also possible on request and by arrangement.
At least one parent must be enrolled at one of our associated universities. A further requirement is that there is no childcare contract with a daycare centre or childminder. The number of children that can be looked after at the same time is limited. For this reason, we are not always able to fulfil all requested times and block the requested times after they have been notified to us by you. When specifying the desired times, it makes sense to take into account not only the lectures or seminars, but also the times for library visits or studying. The Kinderladen primarily looks after children whose student parents are not on leave of absence. Students on leave of absence can still register, but priority is given to students who are not on leave of absence.

Universitätsstraße 5
04109 Leipzig
Opening hours
Monday – Thursday
8:00 AM – 4:00 PM
8:00 AM – 3:00 PM
currently closed
A personal account
“In the middle of your studies, with the stressful final exams approaching and then during the doctoral studies – there is no ‘right’ time for children. They are a gift. We were allowed to share our happiness with the team of the Kinderladen, with whom we always knew they were in good hands. When registration deadlines were approaching, a paper needed some finishing touches, or we simply couldn’t think clearly anymore between shopping, changing diapers, and warming porridge, the Kinderladen was our chance to take a breath.
At first, it was not easy to let go and entrust the girls to someone else. What will they experience? Is it okay to leave? Sometimes we left them in tears, sometimes they cried because they didn’t want to go home yet. But the nursery teachers smiled at us, encouraged us, and patiently promised the girls that they would meet again soon. We grew together. Now that the children have grown, our gratitude is unbroken: Thank you for the wonderful time!”