Financing of Additional Requirements/Inclusion Assistance

For students with disabilities, there are various benefits for participation as well as financing options for special needs. Here you will find some basic information as a first overview.  All relevant options for your individual situation can then be discussed in a personal counselling interview.

  • Benefit of Inclusion assistance according to SGB IV for University attendance

    Students with disabilities often need individual personal and technical support to carry out their studies.

    For these education-related additional requirements, benefits of integration assistance for attending a university can be applied for according to § 112 SGB IX. Costs can be covered for example for:

    • Communication assistship
    • Study assistantships
    • Readers
    • Co-Writers
    • Electronic and technical aids, learning and working aids

    (This list is not closing).

    You can find more information on the website of the Deutsche Studierendenwerke.

  • Nursing and Assistance

    Students with disabilities and/or chronic illness who have care needs have to implement the organisation of care and assistance for everyday life alongside their studies. Depending on how independently students want to act in this area, the way in which students organise their assistance differs.

    The models can be discussed in a counselling interview and, if necessary, suitable contact persons can be referred. Other benefits, such as the state allowance for the blind (“Landesblindengeld”), can also be discussed in a meeting.

    You can find more information on the website of Deutsche Studierendenwerke.

  • Additional Requirements according to SGB II

    Additional financial expenses for living expenses that are not covered by income or assets can, under certain circumstances, be covered by benefits from SGB II.

    The additional needs are regulated by §27 Para. 2 SGB II. It is stated that benefits can be received for the following additional expenses:

    • Irrefutable, ongoing, not only non-reccurring special needs (§ 21 Para. 6 SGB II)
    • Additional requirements for costly food § 21 Para. 5 SGB II

    Whether these services are suitable for you can be discussed in a consultation.

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